Wednesday, December 29, 2010


We use Drupal for our school district website.  It was quite a learning curve!  We are still in Drupal 5 largely because of that learning curve and the modules we need, but can now upgrade to Drupal 6.  We will be working on our theme so that it will be compatible and then do the final upgrade.  The site I want to feature today is Drupal Garden, it allows you to create a website using Drupal 7, and it is awesome.  I do know a bit about using was able to get around pretty easily but I do love the management features and getting a look at how Drupal 7 might function.  You can actually create your site and then export it so that you can host it yourself.  If your district is looking at a Content Management System, Drupal is one of the biggest, but for those who are accustom to using FrontPage or DreamWeaver to create websites it is a very new kind of environment. This would be a good way to get a look at that environment before making the move.  We are still novices and sometimes call in an outside consultant to help us when we are trying out very new things but it has been interesting!

Take a look at Drupal Gardens

Friday, December 17, 2010

10 Alternatives To Bookmarking

I used Delicious for a long time, I switched a couple of years ago to Diigo but kept my Delicious account. Now Delicious is being shut down so here are alternative sites for those of you who are using it. Delicious was a really good service but I am sure you can find something you will like. Remember to export you Delicious bookmarks so you don't lose them.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Take a look at this great website with easy to use games tools.  You and your students can design fun learning games to help them review for tests, reinforce key concepts and just make learning a fun experience!
Super Teacher Tools

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Free Online Games | Free Games | Online Games | Pogo Games

Lots of fun, free online versions of the board games so many adults are familiar with. Scrabble is one of my own favorites!!! Free Online Games | Free Games | Online Games | Pogo Games


A video game for US history. Students become a young person during the revolutionary war. they have to make decisions about their own involvement ex. do they support the empire or do they side with the revolutionaries. Students can save progress and come back to finish the game! Mission US | THIRTEEN

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 advent created by ktenkely based on Kindergarten

This is a fun Christmas gift for all of you teachers out there. Click on a link each day for advent and discover a new Web 2.0 tool to use with your students! Another truly clever idea for iLearn Technology. You could do something similar with your own students to make an advent calendar!!! advent created by ktenkely based on Kindergarten

Simple Timer + Clocks :: Add-ons for Firefox

Simple Timer + Clocks :: Add-ons for Firefox

Add a timer and clocks to FireFox.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

YouTube videos in School Tube

I love this, you can use School Tube to make some of those great YouTube videos available to your students. Sign up for School Tube and become a moderator for your school. Then, once you have been approved you click the Upload Video button in your School Tube account and import a video from the web. Copy and paste the URL from the video you want. It will take a few minutes (sometimes longer) for your video to be accepted (it will be approved if you are a moderator), you will get an email with the link to your video. Here is an adorable video on the Butterfly Life Cycle done by a Kindergarten class. I found this on YouTube (which is blocked by my district) and uploaded it to School Tube, I can't wait to share this with my 1st grade teachers.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

f | iLearn Technology ★ 1

Use this site to organize resources on the web, blogs and other online tools into an easy to use web site for students. Topics can be organized by subject, and made available to other teachers, parents and students. This site was created for educators.f | iLearn Technology ★ 1

WebList - The Place To Find The Best List On The Web

Really nice site for teachers to create a list of web resources for students.
WebList - The Place To Find The Best List On The Web

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I found this website that looks very cool.It is called
Answer Garden You post a question and people have the chance to type in a short 2 or 3 word answer. What a great way to start a conversation with students! You will see the answers appear below you question and if you put your cursor on an answer you will see how many times that was entered. The site has lots of examples, an Answer Garden is very easy to create and embeds easily into your blog or wiki! Give it a try in the example below.

How do you feel about wikis... at

Friday, July 2, 2010

Teacher Training Videos created by Russell Stannard

Teacher Training Videos created by Russell Stannard: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Here is a great resource of videos to teach you how to use an amazing array of tools. Curious about Tweeting? Want to blog? Check out the videos here

Friday, June 25, 2010

Development for Beginners | Kid's Corner | MSDN

What a fun site from Microsoft.  An fun and easy intro to programming for kids (and grownups who want to learn!!)  A great way to introduce kids to one of the STEM areas.  Lots of lessons, links to other resources and videos.  This would be a great addition to teachers and students who are learning Squeak, Scratch or Alice as it adds another dimension to that kind of programming.  There are a host of other resources here for young people and adults who want to explore the world of programming from apps for desktop, phone to Web Applications and databases.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Great blog from David Kapuler highlighting 10 sites for creating digital art.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I have looked at several "free" sources for productivity software for our schools recently. I had looked at Zoho sometime ago but had occasion to revisit it when I saw a blog about Zoho Challenge, an application that allows teachers to create tests online. I created a test (not one you will be able to answer, it is specific to my school) but I wanted to take a "test drive" so to speak. It seems to be very cool and relatively easy to use, and, in my book, the best part is it is free. Yes there are premium features you can pay for but I really love the free stuff!!! Take a look at my very small quiz and then sign up for an account to test it out yourself.

Zoho Challenge

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sumanas, Inc. Animation Gallery

Got this from the Free Technology for Teachers blog.  It has some really nice animations that explain many concepts.  Seems good for middle school age and up.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Backing up and Restoring Bookmarks

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Geotagging is not only informative and educational, it can be fun. Kids really do love maps and when you combine the idea of pictures into them it can be even more interesting. I read a great blog post from Educational Technology - ICT in Education on geotagging with links to sites that can help classroom teachers get started.

Web 2.o for Rookies: Geotagging

Take a look and explore a bit. This is applicable to a wide variety of curriculum areas!