Thursday, May 26, 2011
Confessions of a Cookbook Queen: Etna/Denning Arkansas Tornado
This is not a link for educators, not an educational posting but I am from MO and my mom's family is originally from Arkansas and I just love this part of the country. Joplin (where i went to middle school) has been in the news and I know there have been huge outpourings of assistance, they need it but this blog is about very small communities and they will not necessarily get news coverage. I have huddled with my kids during tornado warnings with the town sirens blaring. It is so scary! If you can find it in your heart to donate $5 to these communities that would be awesome. Think what a difference all of the people who share this great internet can make!!
Free Technology for Teachers: Making Videos on the Web - Updated for 2011
Okay, Free Technology for Teachers is making a major appearance today! I really needed to feature this blog because of the tools and the ebook. Video making has always been a really great way to engage students. Even in the long ago dark ages when I was in middle school we used video to present and idea about current events and we were so into it. At that time we could not even approach the creativity today's students have. We could use a piece of video and add audio over it with a record player. We could do a limited amount with the tools available and even then it was very engaging. Using video to help students present ideas an opinions often gives them added motivation to express themselves. It is a lot of work but with the tools presented in blogs like the one featured here you can help your students become film makers and free yourself up from reading endless essays!!!
Free Technology for Teachers: Stop Blaming the Technology
This was an interesting post by Richard Byrne in his Free Technology for Teachers blog. With all of the content out there and all of the people blogging I suppose this goes on all the time. I try to attibute everything I get but I know that I am a bit lax in this area. After reading this blog I will work more diligently to be sure that I give credit where it is due. I don't use an autoblogger, I usually write whatever is in my blog myself linking to the blog or site I want to feature. But I often get these sites from all of these wonderful bloggers, Richard Byrne being one, and don't always remember to say hey, this came from...
I would hope that none of us directly copy or claim anyone else's writing. Now the way I write I don't think I have a huge problem!
Free Audio Books - Download an audio book in mp3 or iPod format today!
From iLearn Technology - Download free audio books. Lots of classic literature for students to download and listen to. Free Audio Books - Download an audio book in mp3 or iPod format today!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Innovative Educator: Sites for Using iPads in Education
Blog post from The Innovative Educator with a number of sites for using the iPad. If your school is starting to use these or already have them it pays to check out these resources so you get the best use of these devices that you can.
Math Games - from
Register for free math games. Includes analysis and assessment to progress monitor individual students.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
This is a new tool I just found, it allows you to create and share what they call a WebBook. You use your own content, web pages, videos, graphics to create a website with page turning to move you through the lesson or experience. Very nice tool for teachers to help students move through a project. You can find the resources you want students to use, move them through the material in an orderly manner. This is very cool!
Monday, May 16, 2011
High School iPad Apps
A lot of apps blogs focus on elementary programs, this blog is all about high school. There is a lot here if you are planning on using iPads in your high school.
teachwithyouripad - home
New to iPads? Want to know what the heck to do with this thing? This is a nice little wiki that can help answer some of the questions you may have, help you get it set up and begin to use your iPad. I know I love mine but there was a lot here for me to learn. teachwithyouripad - home
iPad Apps: How can you learn to organize yourself, be productive and not forget what you need to do everyday?
Apps to help you be more productive. What I like about these is they are useful for both students and teachers and everyone else. Using your iPad as an input device to help you remember and organize!! iPad Apps: How can you learn to organize yourself, be productive and not forget what you need to do everyday?
QUICK and EASY – Photo Albums in PowerPoint!
Use PowerPoint to create a photo album! QUICK and EASY – Photo Albums in PowerPoint!
Technology Fridge: The Fridge's Weekly Bookmarks (weekly)
Thinking about iPads in your school? Take a look at some of the links here, lots of apps that can be used in education. This BTW is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many good blogs out there now featuring iPads and the ways they can be used in education, just search and ye shall find!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Science on the Simpsons
Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for sharing this site. Videos from the Simpsons TV show help students learn science concepts. The videos cannot be streamed, they must be downloaded. These are funny and educational, who would have thought you could learn science from the Simpsons!!!
Monday, May 9, 2011
p2pu | Learning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything
Wow, lots of free courses for programming in a variety of languages!!! If you are curious, feel you would benefit from more programming knowledge then these sites could help you get started. These are not the only sites but they are really good so do take a look.
I can't believe all the free resources, no there will be no face to face instructor to help you but there are so many people on the web to help you solve the problems you come up against, just do a google search and you will certainly find an answer to your problem.
Online Reading Tests | Reading Worksheets
I found this reading resource from Edugalaxy - a really good educators blog. You can have your students take online quizzes for reading and then they can print out their results, or not if you are trying to save a tree or two. The quizzes are graded automatically which is great for you. This resource is completely free! Take a look and give it a try!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Official Google Blog: Google moms share tech tips for your family
Great ideas and tips for moms, and teachers to use many of the features Google offers to document and share events and special occasions!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Really interesting blog about a Scratch like program for Javascript.
Monday, May 2, 2011
f | The Official Google Blog ★ 1
this is a blog about the Yad Vashem holocaust collection that Google has helped to facilitate with its technology.
The Financial Literacy Toolkit
This blog is a really great financial blog and this particular entry would be a really good one to share with high school students who are beginning to learn about money. Not all of the items here will be useful but many of them are!
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