Thursday, March 17, 2016

I found a new coding site for kids from Technology Tidbits, I love this.  It is called Erase All Kittens and it has students using HTML code in a game to save the kittens.  It is really cute and clever, and explains what is needed fairly well, but the students still have to think a bit to solve it. You can find the site here: Erase All Kittens

Monday, March 7, 2016

Beth's Thoughts on Technology in the Classroom is a blog I follow regularly.  I love today's, it provides links to training resources for Google Apps, and with more schools heading in that direction providing training for teachers definitely decreases the stress involved.  Getting a few teachers to try the train the trainer training would be beneficial to all schools, it puts someone in place who can help guide teachers more timid about learning new things.  

Google Training

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

News Perspectives

Another one of my favorite bloggers is Larry Ferlazzo, he writes a blog for ELL teachers but so much of what he features is useful for all teachers.  He has a couple of posts this week that feature news perspectives.  One is an app, Perspecs, there are both Android and Apple versions.  It shows 3 different perspectives on a news topic.  What a great tool to show students how a topic can be viewed by different people.  The other is a brand new website called AllSides. It just opened up.

Here are the links to Larry's posts:

All Sides

I also love and both sites check the truthfulness of many of our public figures statements and pronouncements.