Google Training Center Chromebook
- Nice basic video describing a Chromebook: Introducing the Chromebook
- Nice explanation posted in 2014: What is a Chromebook - Explained
Chrome OS -
- Posted in 2012 this Google video explains the operating system used with Chromebooks: Chrome OS Guided Tour
Apps -
- How do I get them, where do they come from: Finding apps for your Chromebook
- Nice resource for finding replacement apps for the programs you are accustomed to using: Find apps to replace computer programs
- Installing third party apps will require that you give the app permission to access some of your data, this explains that nicely: Apps connected to your account
Troubleshooting your Chromebook
- Common errors
- Help Google to help you by Submitting product feedback
- Search the web and look to others to help you resolve your problem if it is not an immediate issue - one group that can be of great help to a teacher - the Google Educator group