Monday, July 24, 2017

Google Resources

Google Training Center Chromebook 

Chromebooks -
  1. Nice basic video describing a Chromebook:  Introducing the Chromebook
  2. Nice explanation posted in 2014:  What is a Chromebook - Explained
Chrome OS - 
  1. Posted in 2012 this Google video explains the operating system used with Chromebooks: Chrome OS Guided Tour

Apps - 
  1. How do I get them, where do they come from:  Finding apps for your Chromebook
  2. Nice resource for finding replacement apps for the programs you are accustomed to using:  Find apps to replace computer programs
  3. Installing third party apps will require that you give the app permission to access some of your data, this explains that nicely:  Apps connected to your account

Troubleshooting your Chromebook

  1. Common errors
    1. Chromebook Help Center
    2. Fix "Aw, Snap!" page crashes and other page loading errors
  2. Help Google to help you by Submitting product feedback
  3. Search the web and look to others to help you resolve your problem if it is not an immediate issue - one group that can be of great help to a teacher - the Google Educator group

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

So cool I had to share it!

Richard Byrne featured an interactive periodic table of elements in his blog, I loved it.  Yes, that is super geeky but this thing does a very nice job of describing the elements with a graphic of common usage.  What a neat way to engage students and deliver easy to understand information.  If you teach science you really need to take a look at this!

Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements